Preparing the Recorder
Be sure the recorder (sometimes known as the committee secretary) is adequately trained on how to take effective minutes.

Usually, the safety committee Chair will train the recorder on their job duties. There's nothing worse than a bunch of disconnected chicken scratches.
If the meeting seems to move fast, the recorder may want to use an audio recording device to record the meeting to make sure the minutes accurately reflect the topics discussed and actions taken. Using an audio recorder is not common because some members may not be comfortable with the method.
Meeting minutes should include:
- Date of the meeting
- Time the meeting started
- Names of attendees
- Review of previous meeting minutes
- Corrections to previous meeting minutes
- Preview of current meeting agenda
- Changes to the current agenda
- New business
- Items to be held over
- Open discussion
- Next meeting date and time
- Time meeting ended
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-3. What can the safety committee recorder do if the pace of the meeting moves along quickly?
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