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707 Effective OSH Committee Meetings
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Preparing the Agenda

Knowing the purpose of the meeting is a first step in preparing the agenda. Having a good idea where you want to be at the meeting determines what must be covered during the meeting.

Clipboard with agenda with room for three items
Prepare and follow the agenda.

An agenda is a step-by-step outline of the points to be covered at a meeting. The chair should always ask for input to the agenda a week or so prior to the meeting. Everybody attending a meeting should receive a tentative agenda a few days in advance for the following reasons:

  • to make sure important business is not over-looked
  • to remind people of the meeting
  • to help members identify important items and prepare to discuss them
  • to help members focus on issues
  • to encourage their contributions
  • to discourage the thought that the committee chair wants to control everything
  • to promote a sense of progress among members and others

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-4. What is the first step in preparing a meeting agenda?