Discussion Methods
Small group discussion: Small group discussions generate ideas and enable everyone to participate in a smaller group setting.

In a small group session, about four to eight people talk for a short time on an assigned topic. A person should be assigned as recorder to make lists of the group's quick conclusions. The groups then return to the main group with their ideas. In this way, small group interactions alternates with the diversity of the larger group.
Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a well-known procedure for generating a large number of spontaneous ideas in a short period of time. No criticism is allowed during the session. Quantity is what the group is after, not quality. From the great number of ideas generated, the group can later select those of interest. Be sure to choose a person to record all ideas on a flipchart or blackboard briefly and accurately for everyone to see. Seeing others' ideas will generate even more ideas by "piggy-backing" off the ideas of others.
Questioning: As mentioned earlier, the most effective questions are usually open-ended. Open-ended questions stimulate thinking, and rethinking. Questions allow for reflection. The Chairperson or member, by posing questions, encourage the group to focus on something, rethink a course of action, or evaluate options.
Consensus decision-making: Making decisions by consensus is the cooperative development of a decision that members agree with or can at least live with. Sometimes, consensus means that each and every person involved in decision-making may have "veto" power, but be careful with this idea. A more workable policy might be to allow the person who strongly objects to a consensus decision to "opt out." That person would not be required in taking action on the decision. It's also important to find out why and give considerable thought to the concerns expressed by the dissenting member. He or she may have a legitimate concern that others do not see. Consensus means considering all concerns and attempting to find the most universal decision possible.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-6. What is TRUE about consensus decision-making?
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