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709 Personal Protective Equipment
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If It Isn't In Writing — It Didn't Happen!

To meet the minimum OSHA requirements to document training, the employer must verify that each affected employee has received and understands what was taught. The documentation must be in writing and contain:

  1. The name of each employee trained.
  2. The date(s) of training occured.
  3. The topic(s) covered in the training.

However, documenting PPE training should go beyond minimum OSHA standard requirements. The best PPE training documentation will also include:

  • An employee statement that they have received training by the employer on the required subjects, that the trainer has demonstrated proper use of the PPE, and has answered all employee questions.
  • A certification by the trainer that the employee has satisfactorily demonstrated adequate knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) to use, care for, and maintain PPE.

Below is one example of training documentation. Your training documentation may look different, but it's very important that both the employee and trainer sign and date the document.

Training Subject _________ Date _____ Location _______
Trainee certification. I have received on-the-job training on those subjects listed (see lesson plan). This training has provided me adequate opportunity to ask questions and practice procedures to determine and correct skill deficiencies. I understand that performing these procedures/practices safely is a condition of employment. I fully intend to comply with all safety and operational requirements discussed. I understand that failure to comply with these requirements may result in progressive discipline (or corrective actions) up to and including termination.
Employee Name
Trainer certification. I have conducted orientation/on-the-job training to the employees(s) listed above. I have explained related procedures, practices and policies. Employees were each given opportunity to ask questions and practice procedures taught under my supervision. Based on each student's performance, I have determined that each employee trained has adequate knowledge and skills to safely perform these procedures/practices.
Trainer Name

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-8. What documentation, beyond the minimum required by OSHA, should be included for PPE training?