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712 Safety Supervision and Leadership
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Identifying Hazards


It's important to identify workplace hazards because the number of annual fatalities continues to hover around 5,000 each year in the United States despite the best efforts of employers.

Chart listing worker fatalities
Workplace fatalities continue to hover around 5000 each year.

It wasn't until 2020 that workplace fatalities fell below 5,000, marking the lowest number since 2016. This decrease is largely attributed to COVID-19's impact, which led to fewer employees in the workplace that year. However, with the workforce's return to the workplace, the number of fatalities has once again risen above 5,000.

This module will explore the five key areas within which all workplace hazards exist. It will also delve into two important proactive hazard identification methods: safety inspections and job hazard analysis (JHA). Lastly, we will examine the incident and accident investigation process, and how it can effectively identify and help to eliminate hazards.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-1. What is the trend in the number of annual workplace fatalities?