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712 Safety Supervision and Leadership
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Ensuring Accountability

What is Accountability?

According to Webster's Dictionary, the term 'accountable' is defined as 'responsible, liable, explainable, legally bound, and subject to'.

Accountability poster.
Accountability is being held responsible through consequences.

In the workplace, employees have the obligation to to comply with established policies, rules, and standards. When employees are 'held accountable,' it implies that their performance is evaluated in relation to these expectations, leading to one of two fundamental outcomes:

  • If performance standards are met or exceeded, perceived positive consequences occur.
  • If performance standards are not met, perceived negative consequences occur.

As a legal 'agent of the employer,' a supervisor bears a critical responsibility: ensuring that employees are held accountable for their actions. Similarly, supervisors themselves are held accountable by the employer for effectively fulfilling this significant leadership role.

Before a safety accountability system can be effectively implemented and applied, it must be understood. It's important to understand what accountability is, and how it functions to ensure safety system effectiveness. To better understand accountability, let's answer some very important questions:

  • Which behaviors should an employee be held accountable for?
  • How does a supervisor measure those employee behaviors?
  • What obligations must management fulfill before they can hold employees accountable?
  • What are appropriate and effective consequences?

With the above questions in mind, let's look at accountability in the workplace, and how we can implement and apply it.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-1. Being "held accountable" means that employee performance is evaluated against expectations and subject to _____.