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712 Safety Supervision and Leadership
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Elements of Accountability

Having gained a better understanding of the concept of accountability, we can now delve into the five key elements that constitute effective accountability programs. The five elements are:

Poster covering the formal standards of performance.
Clearly state standards of performance.
  1. Established Standards of Performance
  2. Resources to Achieve Standards
  3. A System of Measurement
  4. Application of Effective Consequences
  5. Appropriate Application of Consequences

For workplace accountability to be effective, it is crucial that specific criteria within each of these elements are met. Without these elements, accountability efforts are likely to be unsuccessful.

Element 1: Established Standards of Performance

Established standards inform everyone about desired behaviors and expected levels of performance. Standards of performance should be in writing, clearly stated, and communicated with all employees so that everyone understands them.

Performance standards can be found articulated across several key organizational documents, including:

  • The company's mission and vision statements.
  • Policies, programs, and written plans.
  • Job descriptions, procedures, and safety rules.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-2. In an effective accountability program, standards of performance must be _____.