What Might Work: Tough-Controlling Leadership
Managers who rely on the tough-controlling leadership approach are tough on safety to control losses.
In this approach, managers are motivated to control safety behaviors primarily as a way to help meet their legal and financial obligations. They believe they can achieve high levels of compliance primarily through strict enforcement of mandatory safety policies, procedures, and rules.
If used appropriately, this approach can lead to the development of effective safety systems that not only reduce injuries and illnesses but also lower production costs.
Characteristics of a tough-controlling approach include:
- Tight control is necessary to achieve numerical objectives for safety.
- Communication is typically top-down, and information is used to control subordinate behavior and performance.
- Safety managers are usually appointed to supervise safety functions and enforce compliance.
- Employees will work safely primarily to achieve compliance, not excellence.
- This leadership approach may or may not result in a fear-based culture.
- Both positive and negative reinforcement may be used as control strategies to influence behavior
- Managers and supervisors may rely to a somewhat lesser extent on punishment to influence behavior
In the tough-controlling leadership approach, both positive and negative reinforcement may be used as control strategies to influence behavior. However, they will rely to a somewhat lesser extent on punishment to influence behavior.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-4. What is a tough-controlling leader most likely going to rely on to control all aspects of work?
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