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720 Preventing Workplace Violence
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Administrative Investigations

It is important to use an investigator who conducts the investigation in a fair and objective manner.

Image of two investigators interviewing an employee
Interviews must be conducted to ensure individual privacy.

The investigation should be conducive to developing truthful responses to issues that may surface requiring administrative action. It must be conducted with full appreciation for the legal considerations that protect individual privacy. It is imperative the investigation, especially the interview process, create an atmosphere of candor and propriety. Check out more information on techniques for alternative dispute resolution.

Use a Qualified Investigator

If a decision is made to conduct an administrative investigation, it is important to use a qualified and experienced professional workplace violence investigator. The company planning group should train and qualify one or more such investigators before the need for an investigator arises.

Investigation and Evaluation

After an incident occurs, a detailed investigation is imperative. All incidents, including near misses, should be investigated as soon as possible. A delay of any kind may cause important evidence to be removed or destroyed either intentionally or unintentionally. The investigation should focus on fact-finding to prevent recurrence and not fault-finding. Employers should maintain comprehensive records of the investigation.

When Conducting the Investigation:

  • Get statements from witnesses.
  • Photograph damage/injuries where appropriate.
  • Identify contributing causes.
  • Recommend corrective action.
  • Encourage appropriate follow-up.
  • Consider changes in controls, procedures or policy.
  • Use a Threat and Assault Log to collect facts on who, what, when, where and how the incident occurred.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-5. Which type of investigation should be conducted when issues surrounding an incident may surface requiring administrative action?