How to Change the Organization to Prevent Job Stress
To make sure interventions are effective and successful in reducing stress, adopt one or more of the following ideas:

- Ensure the workload is in line with workers' capabilities and resources.
- Design jobs to provide meaning, stimulation, and opportunities for workers to use their skills.
- Clearly define workers' roles and responsibilities.
- Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions and actions affecting their jobs.
- Improve communications - reduce uncertainty about career development and future employment prospects.
- Provide opportunities for social interaction among workers.
- Establish work schedules that are compatible with demands and responsibilities outside the job.
Key Messages for OSH Personnel
OSH professionals and safety and health representatives play a key role in preventing and managing work-related stress. It is important for OSH professionals, safety and health representatives, and employers to work together to prevent and manage work-related stress.
OSH professionals and safety representatives can assist the employer by conducting regular walk-around inspections, observations, and incident investigations. They can also recommend the development of safety programs, measures and procedures at the workplace.
For example, a recommendation may include conducting an anonymous survey as an effective method to discover the psychological risk factors employees may be exposed to in the workplace and whether employee health is being negatively affected.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-12. What can be an effective method to discover the psychological risk factors employees may be exposed to in the workplace?
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