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833 Developing a Construction Safety Management System
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Procedures and Practices


Construction companies should make sure that safe job procedures and safe work practices are developed to address significant hazards that may present significant risks/liabilities to them.

Worker adjusting propane tank
Using safe job procedures reduces the probability of having an accident.

To determine the need for safe job procedures and work practices, conduct a comprehensive hazard analysis prior to the start of work on each worksite. It's important to note that the Job Safety/Hazard Analysis is an excellent process for determining safe job procedures and safe work practices.

Create Safe Job Procedures

Safe job procedures are a series of specific instructions presented in steps that outline the preferred method for performing a task.

  • They guide a worker through a job task from start to finish one step at a time in chronological order.
  • They are designed to reduce the risk to employees by minimizing potential exposure.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-1. Safe job procedures are designed to reduce the risk to employees by _____.