3D Process: Design
To help gain the support and a real commitment from managers, they must have a good idea what the CSMS will look like. To do that, we recommend the "3D process" that is composed of 3 phases: design, develop, and deploy.

The Big Picture
The purpose of this first phase is to design or paint the "big picture" that helps guide everyone in developing and deploying the elements of the CSMS. During this first phase in the process, gather a team of managers, supervisors, and employees who volunteer to discuss and draft the following five components within the CSMS:
- vision, mission, and values statements
- safety goals, objectives and performance measures
- duties and responsibilities of line and staff positions
- programs to include in the CSMS
- strategic safety plan
From the very start it's important to have the vision to understand who you are, the values that guide your decision-making, and a sense of mission about what you do as a company. So let's look at these three very important concepts.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-1. The purpose of the design phase in the implementation of the CSMS is to _____ that helps guide everyone in development and deployment phases.
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