Controlling Hazards
The Hierarchy of Controls (HOC)
As you learned earlier, there are many different types of hazards in the workplace.
Traditionally, a prioritized "Hierarchy of Controls" (HOC) has been used to implement feasible and effective exposure controls to protect workers.
Here are the six HOC strategies we will be discussing throughout the rest of this module:
Higher Order Controls
- Elimination: Completely eliminate the hazard so it cannot cause an accident. This is your first priority, if feasible.
- Substitution: Replace materials, equipment, etc., with something that reduces the hazard to acceptable limits.
- Engineering Controls: Design the environment, materials, tools, equipment and machines so that they do not present hazards.
Lower Order Controls
- Warnings: Place OSHA signs (Danger, warning, caution, or safety instruction), audible alarms (klaxon, whistles, buzzers), or tactile warnings (vibration or fans) that alert employees about the presence of hazards.
- Work Practice Controls: Develop mandatory procedures and rules that reduce the possibility of exposure to hazards.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE helps to prevent contact with hazards and is used in conjunction with other controls.
Management Support
For the HOC strategies to be effective, they must be designed within a supportive safety management system and culture that includes adequate physical resources, psychosocial support, job planning, scheduling, education and training, supervision, and appropriate consequences.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-1. What hazard control strategy uses mandatory procedures and rules to reduce exposure to hazards?
You forgot to answer the question!