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833 Developing a Construction Safety Management System
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Job Hazard Analysis

Determining the content of training for employee populations at higher levels of risk like construction is similar to determining what any employee needs to know, but more emphasis is placed on the requirements of the job and the possibility of injury.

According to the text, one of the best tools for determining training content and required skills for hazardous construction job requirements is the Job Hazard Analysis described earlier. This procedure examines each step of a job, identifies existing or potential hazards, and determines the best way to perform the job in order to reduce or eliminate the hazards. Its key elements are:

  1. job description
  2. job location
  3. key steps (preferably in the order in which they are performed)
  4. tools, machines and materials used
  5. actual and potential safety and health hazards associated with these key job steps
  6. safe and healthful practices
  7. apparel and equipment required for each job step

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-7. One of the best tools for determining training content and required skills for hazardous construction job requirements is the _____.