4-Point Safety and Health Program

As the owner, manager, or supervisor of a company your attitude toward job safety and health will be reflected by your employees. It is critical that you demonstrate, at all times, your personal concern for the safety and health of your employees.
It is essential to the success of your company's safety and health program that management, at all levels, demonstrates not only an interest, but a long term serious commitment to protect every employee from injury and illness on the job. But, if you think you don't have that level of commitment, how do you get it?
The courses and programs listed below will help provide the knowledge and guidance you will need as a business owner, manager, or supervisor to create an environment in which your employees see and believe your commitment to their safety. Through your commitment and leadership your employees will become more involved in their own safety and health.
Would you like to learn more about worksite analysis?
Step 2 of the 4-point safety and health program.
Industry132-hour OSH Professional
This program is the best value for ambitious students and employers who want to get the most out of their safety training experience. If you have high-career goals, are passionate about the field, and want to develop the skills needed to effectively manage safety in your workplace, this program provides the benefits you need to succeed. Maximize potential transfer credits, earn CEUs, or prepare for other professional credentials by completing this program now!
View Program DetailsFeatures
- 25 course certificates
- 7 program certificates
- training record card
- 2 transcripts
Required Courses
- International Students: 25 Courses
- Domestic (US) Students: 26 Courses
- FREE Access
- $ $ PDF & Original Certificates
- $ Original Certificates
- $ PDF Certificates
Shipping not included for original certificate prices.
Industry48-hour OSH Manager
Companies hire occupational safety and health managers to design, develop, and deploy effective safety management systems within the organization. This program is designed for corporate and facility safety managers or directors who are responsible for establishing or managing their organizations safety and health program. Emphasis is placed on gaining the knowledge and skills needed to design, develop, and deploy a world-class safety management system.
View Program DetailsFeatures
- 9 course certificates
- 1 program certificate
- training record card
- 2 transcripts
Required Courses
- 700 Introduction to Safety Management
- 701 Effective Safety Committee Operations
- 702 Effective Accident Investigation
- 712 Safety Supervision and Leadership
- 716 Safety Management System Evaluation
- 717 Emergency Action Plans
- 718 Fire Prevention Plans
- 719 Fleet Safety Management
- 720 Preventing Workplace Violence
- FREE Access
- $ $ PDF & Original Certificates
- $ Original Certificates
- $ PDF Certificates
Shipping not included for original certificate prices.
Industry36-hour OSH Supervisor
Supervisors are invaluable to a world-class safety culture. As an "agent of the employer," every supervisor has a legal obligation to understand his or her safety responsibilities in the workplace. This program helps supervisors develop the knowledge and skills to fulfill those responsibilities and be an effective leader.
View Program DetailsFeatures
- 7 course certificates
- 1 program certificate
- training record card
- 2 transcripts
Required Courses
- FREE Access
- $ $ PDF & Original Certificates
- $ Original Certificates
- $ PDF Certificates
Shipping not included for original certificate prices.
192-hour Construction Safety & Health Professional
The construction industry continues to experience a large number of injuries and fatalities every year and the need for safety professionals has never been greater. Identifying and controlling construction hazards, reducing fatalities, injuries and illnesses, and designing effective OSH management systems specific to theconstruction industry are essential skills to the success of organizations.
This program is the best value for individuals and employers in the construction industry who want to get the most out of their safety training experience. If you aspire to excel in your career, are passionate about the field, and want to develop the skills needed to effectively manage safety in your workplace, this program will help you get there. Maximize potential transfer credits, earn CEUs, or prepare for other professional credentials by completing this program now!
View Program DetailsFeatures
- 40 course certificates
- 5 program certificates
- training record card
- 2 transcripts
Required Courses
- FREE Access
- $ $ PDF & Original Certificates
- $ Original Certificates
- $ PDF Certificates
Shipping not included for original certificate prices.
162-hour Construction Safety & Health Manager
Companies hire occupational safety and health managers to design, develop, and deploy effective safety management systems within the organization. If you work in the construction industry, you will need to know how to apply safety concepts to this dangerous field.
This program is designed for current or potential OSH managers or directors in the construction industry who are responsible for establishing or managing their organization's safety and health program. Emphasis is placed on gaining the knowledge and skills needed to design, develop, and deploy a world-class safety management system, and tailoring and applying that knowledge to the construction industry.
View Program DetailsFeatures
- 33 course certificates
- 1 program certificate
- training record card
- 2 transcripts
Required Courses
- FREE Access
- $ $ PDF & Original Certificates
- $ Original Certificates
- $ PDF Certificates
Shipping not included for original certificate prices.
145-hour Construction Site Safety Supervisor
Supervisors in the construction industry are invaluable to a world-class safety culture. As an "agent of the employer," and the first-line representative of management, every supervisor has a legal obligation to understand his or her safety responsibilities in the workplace.
This program helps supervisors develop the knowledge and skills to fulfill those responsibilities and be an effective leader. By completing this program, students will understand how safety supervisor responsibilities apply to the construction industry.
View Program DetailsFeatures
- 31 course certificates
- 1 program certificate
- training record card
- 2 transcripts
Required Courses
- FREE Access
- $ $ PDF & Original Certificates
- $ Original Certificates
- $ PDF Certificates
Shipping not included for original certificate prices.
Would you like to learn more about worksite analysis?
Step 2 of the 4-point safety and health program.