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502 EM 385-1-1 Sections 14-19
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15.D.05 Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings.

  1. Synthetic rope slings must be inspected by a CP for the following:
  2. Broken or cut fibers, either internally or externally;
A competent person must inspect rope slings.
  1. Cuts, gouges, abrasions; seriously or abnormally worn fibers;
  2. Powdered fiber or particles of broken fiber inside the rope between the strands;
  3. Variations in size or roundness of strands;
  4. Discoloration or rotting; weakened or brittle fibers;
  5. Excessive pitting or corrosion, or cracked, distorted, or broken fittings;
  6. Kinks;
  1. Melting or charring of the rope;
  2. Other visible damage that causes doubt as to the strength of the rope.
  3. Synthetic rope slings must not be used while frozen. When using synthetic rope slings in chemically active or excessively hot environments, consult with the sling manufacturer or Qualified Person (QP).
  1. Synthetic rope slings must be protected from abrasion by padding where it is fastened or drawn over square corners or sharp or rough surfaces.
  2. Do not allow synthetic rope slings to be used in contact with objects or at temperature in excess of 194ºF (90ºC) or below -40ºF (40ºC).
  3. Note: Some synthetic yarns do not retain their breaking strength during long term exposure above 140ºF (60ºC).

  4. Eye Splices. All splices must be made per the rope manufacturer or a QP and in accordance with ASME B30.9.
  5. Knots must not be used in lieu of eye splices.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

15-7. When should synthetic fiber rope slings NEVER be used?