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502 EM 385-1-1 Sections 14-19
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19.H Scows and Barges.

19.H.01 Scows dumping in open ocean waters should be equipped with remote opening devices to preclude the transfer of personnel between the vessels.

A safe means for transferring personnel between the towing vessels and scow must be provided.

19.H.02 A safe means for transferring personnel between the towing vessels and scow must be provided in accordance with Section 19.B.02.

19.H.03 The Contractor must identify general and site-specific adverse weather and sea conditions (e.g., currents) under which the towing of scows or cargo barges is prohibited.

19.H.04 All barges and scows that are used as deck cargo barges must comply with 46 CFR 174.010 through 174.020 for intact stability of deck cargo barges.

19.H.05 Personal fall protection devices or other fall protection as listed in Sections 21 and 19.C must be used on all scows and open barges to prevent personnel transiting between the stern and bow of the vessel from falling into the hopper or falling off the side of the vessel to structures (e.g. dock, vessels) located 6 ft (1.8 m) or more below.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

19-12. Why are remote opening devices required on scows dumping in open ocean waters?