19.A.05 Equipment requirements.
- Fenders must be provided to prevent damage and sparking and to provide safe areas for workers exposed to pinching situations caused by floating equipment.
- Axes or other emergency cutting equipment must be sharp and provided in accessible positions on all towing vessels for use such as freeing lines. On other floating plant (i.e., work barges, and floating cranes) emergency cutting equipment must be provided in accessible positions.

Fenders must be provided to prevent damage and sparking and to provide safe areas for workers exposed to pinching situations caused by floating equipment
- Signal devices must be provided on all vessels to give signals required by the navigation rules applicable to the waters on which the vessel is operated.
- All controls requiring operation in cases of emergency (i.e., boiler stops, safety valves, power switches, fuel valves, alarms, and fire extinguishing systems) must be located so that they are protected against accidental operation but are readily accessible in an emergency.
- Electric lights used on or around gasoline and oil barges or other marine locations where a fire or explosion hazard exists must be explosion-proof or approved as intrinsically safe.
- General alarm systems must be installed and maintained on all floating plant where it is possible for either a passenger or crewman to be out of sight or hearing from any other person.
- (1) Where general alarm systems are used they must be operated from the primary electrical system with standby batteries on trickle charge that will automatically furnish the required energy during an electrical-system failure.
- (2) A sufficient number of signaling devices must be placed on each deck so that they can be distinctly heard/seen above the normal background noise at any point on the deck.
- (3) All signaling devices must be so interconnected that actuation can occur from at least one strategic point on each deck.
- Smoke alarms are required for all living quarters on floating plant; smoke alarms, if wired, should use the same electrical system as that of the electrical alarms.
- For floating plant with internal combustion engines, marine quality listed CO monitors must be installed and maintained in all enclosed occupied spaces (crew quarters, pilot houses, etc.).
- All doors must be capable of being opened from either side and provided with positive means to secure them in both the open and closed position.
- Escape hatches and emergency exits must be marked on both sides with letters, at least 1 in (2.5 cm) high, stating "EMERGENCY EXIT - KEEP CLEAR."
- Each prime mover (engine, turbine, motor) driving a dredge pump must be capable of being stopped by controls remote from the prime mover locations.
- Shore power receptacles must have a grounding conductor to prevent potential difference between the shore and the vessel.
- All 120-, 208-, and 240-volt systems in toilet/shower spaces, galley, machinery spaces, weather deck, exterior, or within 3 ft (0.9 m) of any sink must be grounded and fitted with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection.
- (1) Cord connected equipment used in any of the above areas must be connected to an outlet with GFCI protection.
- (2) Ground-fault protected receptacles must be conspicuously marked "GFCI PROTECTED".
- Where appropriate, vessels should have watertight compartments readily identified and properly maintained in a watertight condition (i.e., sealable doors in place and fully functional). Penetrations must be maintained in a watertight condition.
- All reciprocating, rotating and moving parts of winch gears and other equipment must be properly guarded.
19.A.06 Fuel systems and fuel transfers.
The provisions of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, as amended, must apply to floating plant operations as applicable.
- Gauge glasses or try cocks must not be installed on fuel tanks or lines unless they meet the requirements of 46 CFR 58.50-10.
- A shutoff valve must be installed at the fuel tank connection: arrangement must be made for operating this valve from outside the compartment in which the tank is located and from outside the engine compartment and outside the house bulkheads at or above the weather deck of the vessel.
- A shutoff valve must be installed at the engine end of the fuel line unless the length of the supply pipe is 6 ft (1.8 m) or less.
- All carburetors on gasoline engines must be equipped with a backfire trap or flame arrestor.
- All carburetors, except down-draft type, must be provided with a drip pan, with flame screen, that is continuously emptied by suction from the intake manifold or by a waste tank.
- Fuel and lubricant containers and tanks must be diked, curbed or controlled by other means complying with USCG requirements to contain the tank contents in case of leakage in accordance with 46 CFR 98.30-15, and 33 CFR 155.320.
- Fuel oil transfers for floating plant must be in accordance with the provisions of USCG regulations, 33 CFR 155, and/or 33 CFR 156. For uninspected vessels, USCG regulations in 33 CFR 156.120 and 33 CFR 155.320 for fuel coupling devices and fuel oil discharge containment apply.
- All decks, overheads, and bulkheads, serving as fuel oil tank boundaries must indicate the tank boundary with contrasting paint and be labeled "FUEL OIL TANK - NO HOT WORK".
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
19-3. What must be required for all living quarters on floating plant?
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