27-5. Inspection Requirements.
Formwork and Shoring
- An RPE with expertise in structural design must inspect shoring equipment before erection to ensure it matches the shoring design. They must not use any equipment that is damaged.
- Shoring equipment must be inspected immediately before, during, and after concrete placement. Any equipment that is damaged, displaced, or weakened must be immediately reinforced or re-shored.
- If single post shores are stacked in more than one tier, a structural engineer must inspect the layout.
Masonry Construction
- A Competent Person (CP) must inspect unsupported masonry walls and the wall bracing system at the start of each shift and after any event that might compromise their structural integrity.
27-6. Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) Requirements.
Develop AHAs according to paragraphs 1-6 or 2-6, as applicable.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
27-3. Who must inspect shoring equipment before erection to ensure it is in compliance?
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