29-4. Roles and Responsibilities.
Blaster Duties
- Blasters must test all blasting circuits for electric and electronic detonators using only approved instruments.
- Maintain accurate, current records of explosives, blasting agents, and supplies for each blast.
Blaster-in-Charge Responsibilities
- Handle the removal of electric circuits and ensure the blast site is safely illuminated.
- Oversee the loading of shot holes, connection of blasting circuits, and site evacuation.
- Manage the safe positioning of personnel, detonate the round, and inspect blast components post-detonation.
- Ensure proper shunting/connection practices, supervise post-detonation site inspections, and develop misfire resolution procedures.
- Oversee the transportation, handling, storage, and use of explosives, including supervising Blasters, directing loading and firing, and managing drilling to neutralize misfires.
Explosive Workers/Handlers Guidelines
- Individuals involved with explosives must not be under the influence of substances that impair normal functioning.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
29-3. During blasting operations, who is responsible to handle the removal of electric circuits and ensure the blast site is safely illuminated?
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