29-8. General Requirements.
Security of Explosives
- Guard magazine areas to control access and prevent tampering with explosives during non-working hours.
- Never abandon explosive materials.
- Report lost or stolen explosives within 24 hours to ATF, local law enforcement, and the USACE supervisor/KO or COR.
Transportation of Explosive Materials
- Adhere to DOT, USCG, and FAA regulations when transporting explosives via public highways, vessels, and aircraft respectively.
- Ensure vehicles are properly loaded, secured, and marked according to DOT requirements and do not transport explosives with other materials.
- Equip vehicles with two fire extinguishers, avoid parking in congested areas, operate with care, and ensure drivers are trained in fire extinguisher use.
Handling of Explosive Materials
- Avoid smoking or using open flames near explosive materials and use non-sparking tools for opening containers.
- Transport and store explosive materials and detonators separately, and only prepare primers as needed for immediate use.
- Remove excess explosives and detonators after loading, and do not overstock underground loading areas.
Underground Blasting
- Submit a Master Blasting Plan and use only Fume Class 1 explosives unless adequate ventilation is provided for other classes.
- Install a power blasting switch system with sectioning switches and disconnect all lines from the loading jumbo before loading.
- Ensure proper lighting in loading areas, ground equipment used for pneumatic placement, and inspect supports after each blast.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
29-7. What is the requirement for reporting lost or stolen explosives to ATF, local law enforcement, and the USACE supervisor/KO or COR?
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