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661 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers II
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Organizational Structure

An organizational structure that supports the overall objectives of the project should be developed in the first stage of planning. This structure should:

  • Identify a leader who has the authority to direct all activities.
  • Identify the other personnel needed for the project, and assign their general functions and responsibilities.
  • Show lines of authority, responsibility, and communication. Identify the interface with the response community.

As the project progresses, it may be necessary to modify some organizational aspects of the project, such as personnel responsibilities and authorities, so individual tasks can be performed as efficiently and safely as possible. Any changes to the overall organizational structure must be recorded in the appropriate parts of the Work or Site Safety Plans that are developed for individual phases or tasks and must be communicated to all parties involved.

The figure below presents one example of an organizational framework for a hazardous waste site response team. It shows the lines of authority for 24 categories of off-site and on-site personnel. The on-site categories are divided into personnel that are essential for a safe and efficient response, and optional personnel that may be desirable in a large operation where responsibilities can be delegated to a greater number of people. As-needed personnel are specialists that are called upon for specific tasks, either off-site or on-site.

Organizational structure identifying on-site and off-site members Organizational structure identifying on-site and off-site members Organizational structure identifying on-site and off-site members

Regardless of the size of the effort, all response teams should include a Site Safety and Health Officer responsible for implementing health and safety requirements. The Site Safety Officer should have ready access to other occupational health and safety professionals, particularly an industrial hygienist. Once an organizational system has been developed, all individuals responsible for establishing and enforcing health and safety requirements should be identified, and their respective authorities clearly explained to all members of the response team.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-2. What position should hazardous waste site response teams include for implementing health and safety requirements?