Roles and Responsibilities
The following is a detailed description of the roles and responsibilities for the off-site and on-site positions listed in the figure in Section 4.2. The on-site categories are divided into personnel that are essential for a safe and efficient response, and optional personnel that may be desirable in a large operation where responsibilities can be delegated to a greater number of people. As-needed personnel are specialists that are called upon for specific tasks, either off-site or on-site.
Off-site Personnel Positions
Senior-level Management defines project objectives, allocates resources, determine chain-of-command, and evaluates program outcome. Specific responsibilities include:
- providing necessary facilities, equipment, funding, personnel, time, and resources to conduct activities safely
- supporting the efforts of on-site management and provides disciplinary action
Multi-disciplinary Advisors includes representatives from upper management, field team member, and experts in chemistry, engineering, law, industrial hygiene, information/public relations, medicine, pharmacology, physiology, radiation health, physics, and toxicology. Specific responsibilities include providing advice on the design of the Work Plan and Site Safety Plan.
Medical Support includes consulting physicians, medical personnel at local hospitals and clinics and ambulance personnel. Specific responsibilities include:
- becoming familiar with types of materials on-site, the potential for worker exposure, and recommend the medical program for the site
- providing emergency treatment and decontamination procedures for specific exposures
- obtaining drugs, equipment, and supplies to treat exposures
- providing emergency procedures appropriate to hazards
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-4. Which off-site personnel is responsible for providing the necessary equipment to perform hazardous waste operations?
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