Roles and Responsibilities
Essential On-site Personnel Positions
Project Team Leader reports to upper-level management and has the authority to direct response operations. Project team leaders assume total control over site activities. Specific responsibilities include:
- preparing and organizing the background review of the situation, the Work Plan, the Site Safety Plan, and the field team
- obtaining permission for site access and coordinates activities with appropriate officials
- ensuring the Work Plan is completed and on schedule
- briefing the field teams on specific assignments
- using the Site Safety and Health Officer to ensure safety and health requirements are met
- preparing the final report and support files on the response activities
- serving as the liaison with public officials
Site Safety and Health Officer (hereinafter referred to as Site Safety Officer in accordance with common usage) advises the Project Team Leader on all aspects of health and safety on site, and recommends stopping work if any operation threatens work or public health or safety. Specific responsibilities include:
- selecting protective clothing and equipment
- periodically inspecting protective clothing and equipment
- ensuring protective clothing and equipment are properly stored and maintained
- controlling entry and exit at the access control points
- coordinating safety and health program activities with the Scientific Advisor
- confirming each team member's suitability for work based on a physician's recommendation
- monitoring the work parties for signs of stress, such as cold exposure, heat stress, and fatigue
- monitoring on-site hazards and conditions
- participating in the preparation of and implements the Site Safety Plan
- conducting periodic inspections to determine if the Site Safety plan is being followed
- enforcing the "buddy" system
- knowing emergency procedures, evacuation routes, and the telephone numbers of the ambulance, local hospital, poison control center, fire department, and police department
- when necessary, notifying local public emergency officials
- coordinating emergency medical care
The Field Team Leader may be the same person as the Project Team Leader and may be a member of the work party. Field team leaders are responsible for field team operations and safety. Specific responsibilities include:
- managing field operations
- executing the Work Plan and schedule
- enforcing safety procedures
- coordinating with the Site Safety Officer in determining protection level
- enforcing site control
- documenting field activities and sample collection
- serving as liaison with public officials
The Command Post Supervisor may be the same person as the Field Team Leader. Command Post Supervisors are responsible for communications and emergency assistance. Specific responsibilities include:
- notifying emergency response personnel by telephone or radio in the event of an emergency
- assisting the Site Safety Officer in rescue, if necessary
- maintaining a log of communication and site activities
- assisting other field team members in the clean areas, as needed
- maintaining line of sight and communication contact with the work parties via walkie-talkies, signal horns, or other means
Decontamination Station Officer(s) are responsible for decontamination procedures, equipment, and supplies. Specific responsibilities include:
- setting up decontamination lines and the decontamination solutions appropriate for the type of chemical contamination on-site
- controlling the decontamination of all equipment, personnel, and samples from the contaminated areas
- assisting in the disposal of contaminated clothing and materials
- ensuring all required equipment is available
- advising medical personnel of potential exposures and consequences
Rescue Teams are primarily used on large sites with multiple work parties in the contaminated area. Specific responsibilities include:
- standing by, partially dressed in protective gear, near hazardous work areas
- rescuing any worker whose health or safety is endangered
The Work Party should consist of at least two people. Depending on the size of the field team, any or all the field team may be in the Work Party. Specific responsibilities include:
- safely completing the on-site tasks required to fulfill the Work Plan
- complying with the Site Safety Plan
- notifying Site Safety Officer or supervisor of unsafe conditions
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-5. The ____ is responsible for safely completing on-site tasks required to fulfill the Work Plan.
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