Training for Emergencies
A frequently overlooked aspect of the training provisions is the section dealing with emergency procedures. The scope and extent of employee training regarding these procedures will depend on the specific actions the employer expects employees to take during an emergency.

Emergencies may require EAP or ERP training.
- Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Training: Employers who intend to evacuate their employees from the danger area during an emergency, and who do not allow any of their employees to assist in handling the emergency, are required to provide training as required in 1910.38(e), Emergency Action Plans.
- Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Training: Employers who expect their employees to act to moderate or control the impact of an emergency, similar to an emergency responder, must provide training under 1910.120(l)(1), Emergency Response Plan.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-7. What training is required if the employer intends to evacuate all employees in an emergency?
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