Plan the Work: Work the Plan
There are some basic "best practices" when it comes to running a safety committee meeting.
How to Conduct Effective Meetings
The following is a suggested order of business that may be adopted for safety committee meetings in general:
- Thank everyone for coming. Before you start, thank members and guests for attending the meeting.
- Call the meeting to order. The meeting should be called to order promptly at the appointed time.
- Note attendance. The recorder can make a note of who is present and absent. Large safety committees may want to conduct a roll call.
- Introduce visitors. No one likes to feel left out at a meeting. Make sure visiting employees, managers, presenters and other guests are recognized and thanked for attending.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-2. After the committee chair calls the meeting to order, the recorder should _____.
- introduce visitors
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