Why Minutes Are Important
Minutes are the official record of the safety committee's activities, including recommendations to management and accomplishments.

The content should be concise, clear, and well-organized.
Who's responsible for minutes: Your committee should have a recorder who takes minutes at each meeting and, after the meeting, does the following:
- distributes the minutes to representatives and management
- posts the minutes where other employees can read them
- keeps a copy of the minutes on file for three years
- ensures that all employees have the opportunity to respond to the minutes
What to include in the minutes: Organize the minutes so that they follow the meeting agenda. Information to include in the minutes:
- date, time, and place of the meeting
- names of attending representatives, guests, and representatives unable to attend
- a summary of each agenda item discussed
- employee suggestions and reports of hazards
- the committee's recommendations to management
- management's response to committee recommendations
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4-7. This should be part of the minutes of the safety committee meeting.
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