What Next?
It's important not to wait to complete the meeting minutes.

The longer you wait to finalize the meeting minutes, the less able you'll be to accurately put down on paper what happened, who was assigned tasks, and associated time frames.
While your memory is fresh, be sure to review and edit the minutes with the help of the committee recorder (two brains are better then one!). Here are some tips to consider:
- Make necessary corrections in the layout, content, grammar, and spelling in the minutes.
- Be sure to clearly indicate those members who have been assigned responsibilities in the minutes.
- Include assignment completion or "drop-dead" dates for all assignments.
- Attach written recommendations that were developed.
- Attach management responses to previous recommendations.
- Attach incident/accident report summaries.
- Attach results of analysis, surveys, etc.
- Attach the hazard tracking log.
- Use the minutes to draft the next meeting's agenda.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
7-2. Why is it important to review safety committee meeting minutes soon after the meeting has been completed?
You forgot to answer the question!