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720 Preventing Workplace Violence
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Training Strategies and Techniques

While most people agree that there are clear warning signs before most acts of workplace violence, opinions vary on the actions that should be taken. Nevertheless, making information available to your employees about the potential for violence in the workplace, how to recognize the early warning signs of a troubled or potentially violent person, and how to respond to such a person, could save a life.

Not all individuals who are distraught over services (or lack thereof) or their termination of employment, will become violent. The primary type of training that may be beneficial to all employees is that which concentrates on conflict resolution.

Various federal and state laws, or judicial decisions may require the employer to establish written policy and procedures dealing with harassment, as well as the training of employees on sexual or racial harassment, intrusion, company policies prohibiting fighting, the use of drugs or alcohol in the workplace, and the like.

Employers may avoid liability for acts of violence in the workplace where it is shown that the employer conducted training for employees on the recognition of warning signs of potentially violent behavior, as well as precautions which may enhance the personal safety of the employee in the workplace and in the field.

Training sessions conducted by the company's Employee Assistance Program, Security, and Human Resources staffs are particularly helpful, enabling employees to get to know experts within the company who can help them when potentially violent situations arise. Employees and supervisors seek assistance at a much earlier stage when they personally know the company officials who can help them.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-2. The primary type of VPP training that may be beneficial to all employees is one that concentrates on _____.