In a world-class safety culture, all employees are given opportunities to provide suggestions and recommendations on safety policies and rules, products, procedures, and training. For example:
- Employees could be given some responsibility to test out products or conduct research to substantiate recommendations.
- Employees can provide input informally or through the formal suggestion program.
- Employees could also participate in a variety of ways such as being a trainer, member of a safety committee, or inspection team member.
Understanding the benefits will create a strong desire to improve the company's safety culture which is ultimately the most important outcome of an effective CSMS.
The Key: Effective Recognition
The key to a world-class safety culture that is characterized by employee involvement in safety is "perception." What they believe about the company, management, and themselves is critical to a successful CSMS.

Recognition as a positive consequence can be quite effective in dramatically increasing daily involvement in safety. After all, we do what we do to either avoid negative consequences or to obtain positive consequences.
Recognition helps ensure employees focus on positive consequences. Make sure employees are recognized every time they make a suggestion that improves the CSMS.
For more information on effective recognition, see OSHAcademy course 117 Introduction to Safety Recognition.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-6. To be most successful, make sure employees are recognized _____ when they make a suggestion that results in some kind of improvement in safety or the CSMS.
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