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833 Developing a Construction Safety Management System
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The Construction Safety Committee (CSC)

Because construction is such a hazardous industry, most employers understand the importance of a strong safety committee. This is one of the most important safety teams within the CSMS and a very important part of employee involvement.

Three workers standing together holding building materials wearing PPE
Get everyone involved in the safety committee.

At least annually the CSC can develop its own strategic plan with written Safety goals and objectives, and the tactics to achieve them. Monthly tracking of progress is also important. The safety goals and objective should be communicated to all employees.

Membership on your company's CSC should include both management and hourly employees. Members should be elected, appointed and/or volunteers and should serve on the committee for at least a year or other specified amount of time. OSHAcademy courses 701 Effective Safety Committee Operations and 707 Effective OSH Committee Meetings cover safety committee operations.

You can learn more about the importance of the CSC by taking course 701 Effective Safety Committee Operations.

Safety Inspections

Another important way employees contribute to workplace safety is by participating in regular walk-around inspections to help identify potentially hazardous conditions and unsafe actions, as well as to initiate corrective measures. Inspection findings should be properly presented to all decision-makers, including managers, supervisors, and the safety committee, for review.

Corrective actions should be approved by the decision-maker and implemented under the direction of a designated line worksite superintendent, manager, or supervisor.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-7. Who should properly receive the walk-around safety inspection findings?