Now that you have developed some broad goals and objectives for your CSMS, the next step is to think about and draft general management-level roles and responsibilities that will be assigned to your managers, site superintendents, foremen and supervisors.

A person's role and associated responsibilities have the same kind of relationship as the company's vision and mission statement. Remember, the vision statement tells everyone who we are, and the mission statement let's everyone know what we do.
The Roles We Play
A person's "role" may be thought of as the part (or assigned position) played by a person in a particular business environment. The person's behavior and actions at work is influenced by his own, and other employees' expectations of what are appropriate for the role being played.
Some examples of business roles are:
- Manager
- Supervisor
- Safety Director
- OSHA Inspector
- Safety Committee Member
I think you can see that each of these "roles" has a certain set of expectations tied to them. And, since every company's corporate culture varies, expectations for these same roles might be quite different.
For instance, in one company, the safety director might perform the role of a "cop" enforcing safety with an iron fist, while in another company; he or she might more appropriately be expected to perform the role of "consultant," or helping line managers with their safety responsibilities.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-5. How we fulfill the role we play at work depends on _____.
You forgot to answer the question!