Falling Objects
The substructure is the foundation on which the derrick or mast and usually the drawworks sit. The substructure also contains space for well control equipment.

- Look for loose tools on platforms or on beams above the cellar area.
- Check lights for proper mounting and safety cables.
- Suspended platforms should have a locking device to prevent the loss of scaffold boards, platform pieces, or hand rails.
- Check all fixed shackles and sheaves same as the mast.
Derrick or Drill Floor
The derrick or drill floor is the work area in which the workers conducts operations. This usually includes adding or removing drillpipe to or from the drillstring.
- Areas around the drill floor should be checked for equipment or tools that could be knocked over the side to work areas below.
- Removable handrails that may be snagged when lifting with the hoist should be safety pinned.
- Equipment and tools stored on or hanging from hand rails should be secured to prevent dropped objects.
- Storage areas that are above walking and working surfaces should be properly guarded to prevent items from falling or being knocked off the edge.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
11-3. What should be used on suspended platforms to prevent the loss of scaffold boards, platform pieces, or hand rails?
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