Common Areas
- Check that change rooms are clean and well ventilated.
- Wet or damp clothing must be allowed to dry before use.
- Check that the area is free of trip hazards.
- Where employees must change foot wear, a bench or seating area should be provided.
Waste Disposal
- Look for waste containers around the rig, and check that they are secure from insects/animals and are emptied daily.
- When handling chemical wastes such as sacks or cans, the same PPE used for mixing should be used for waste disposal.
- Check that disposal areas or containers are equipped to prevent trash from blowing around or being scattered by animals.
- If applicable, ensure that waste streams are properly segregated.
Oil Leaks and Overflows
- Check areas where oil leaks, or where drips occur, for proper absorbent material.
- Also check installed catch basins.
- Absorbents should be changed on a regular basis to prevent fire and contamination issues.
- Oily waste should be managed properly to ensure other waste streams are not contaminated if they are to be handled off location.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
11-6. Which condition would indicate a housekeeping violation?
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