Tubular Storage
Stops and Chocks
A system should be in place for blocking and/or wedging the pipe to prevent it from rolling.

- The bottom layer of pipe should be held in position with pins in the pipe rack.
- Successive layers should each have blocking on both ends to prevent movement.
- The chocks can be made of steel, plastic, or wood.
- Whatever the material, the chocks should be nailed or otherwise secured to prevent the pipe from rolling.
Stripping or strapping refers to the material used to separate the successive layers of pipe as they are stacked on the rack.
Stripping may be sections of old drilling line, 2x4's or 2x6's and should be a consistent thickness. Whatever is used, it must be sized for the pipe that is being stacked and provide support for the layers above.
- Do not use stripping to bridge gaps between the pipe and the racks.
- Lower layers of pipe should be tight with no gaps before the next layer is installed.
- The upper layers should not extend beyond the lower layers; the stripping should never be loaded without support from below.
- Stripping should be laid with sufficient overlap to prevent pipe from falling down between sections.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
11-8. Why must chocks be nailed or otherwise secured to the rack?
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