09.J Firefighting Organizations - Training and Drilling.
09.J.01 Firefighting organizations must be provided to assure adequate protection to life and property. NFPA recommendations must be used for determining type, size, and training of fire fighting organizations.
09.J.02 Fire brigade drills must be held to assure a well-trained and efficient operating force. Records of such drills must be maintained at the installation.
09.J.03 Demonstration and training in first-aid firefighting must be conducted at intervals to ensure that project personnel are familiar with, and capable of operating, firefighting equipment.
09.K Fire Watch.
09.K.01 When fire watch personnel or guards are provided, they must make frequent rounds through buildings and storage areas when work is suspended.
09.K.02 Smoke detectors must be installed and maintained where personnel are quartered.
09.K.03 In any instance where combustible materials have been exposed to fire hazards (i.e., welding operations, hot metals, open flame, etc.), a fire watch must be assigned to remain at the location for at least one (1) hour after the exposure has ended.
09.L Fire Detection and Employee Fire Alarm Systems.
09.L.01 Fire detection and employee fire alarm systems must be designed and installed in accordance with requirements of NFPA and OSHA.
09.L.02 Fire detection systems and components must be restored to normal operating condition as soon as possible after each test/alarm. Spare devices and components must be maintained in sufficient quantities for the prompt restoration of the system.
09.L.03 Fire detection systems must be maintained in operable condition except during maintenance or repairs.
- Fire detectors and detector systems must be tested and adjusted as often as necessary to maintain operability and reliability; factory calibrated detectors need not be adjusted after installation.
- Pneumatic and hydraulic operated detection systems installed after January 1, 1981, must be equipped with supervised systems.
- The servicing, testing, and maintenance of fire detection systems must be performed by a trained person knowledgeable in the operations and functions of the system.
- Fire detectors that need to be cleaned of dirt, dust, or other particulate matter to be fully functional must be cleaned at regular intervals.
09.L.04 Fire detection systems and devices must be protected from weather, corrosion, and mechanical and physical damage.
09.L.05 Fire detectors must be supported independently of their control wiring or tubing.
09.L.06 An alarm system must be established by the employer so that employees on the site and the local fire department can be alerted of an emergency.
09.L.07 Manually operated alarm actuation devices must be conspicuous and accessible and inspected and maintained in operable condition.
09.L.08 The alarm must be distinctive and recognizable as a signal to evacuate the work area or to perform actions designated in the emergency action plan.
- The alarm must be capable of being perceived above ambient noise and light levels by all employees in the affected area.
- Tactile devices may be used to alert those employees who would not otherwise be able to recognize the audible or visual alarm.
09.L.09 Employees must be instructed in the preferred means of reporting emergencies, such as manual pull box alarms, public address systems, or telephones.
- The alarm code and reporting instructions must be conspicuously posted at phones and at employee entrances.
- Reporting and evacuating instructions must be conspicuously posted.
- For work at installations that are equipped with radio wave fire alarm systems, a compatible fire alarm transmitter should be used at the construction site.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-11. Where combustible materials are exposed to fire hazards, how long must a fire watch remain after the exposure has ended?
You forgot to answer the question!