09.E Heating Devices and Melting Kettles.
09.E.01 Heating devices and melting kettles must be placed on firm, level, non-combustible foundations and must be protected against traffic, accidental tipping, or similar hazards and, whenever possible, must be placed downwind from employees or occupied buildings.
09.E.02 A method to contain uncontrolled spills of the heated material, which might be on fire, must be developed. The placement of a fire retardant tarp under the kettle (or other effective means) must be used.
09.E.03 A minimum of 2 fire extinguishers, rated not less than 2A:20B:C must be available within 25 ft (7.6 m) of the working kettles. > Hot work permits must be required on Government installations unless otherwise indicated by the GDA.
09.E.04 The kettle operator must be trained in the proper operation of the kettle and have knowledge of the material being heated so as to not allow the material to be heated beyond the allowable temperature. A working thermometer must be provided and used.
09.E.05 Heating devices and melting kettles must not be left unattended when in use. When the kettle is heating material to the working temperature, the operator must be located on the same level as the kettle, be within eyesight and be within 25 ft (7.6 m) of the kettle. > See 09.K.03.
09.E.06 Bituminous-material melting kettles must be provided with an effective tight fitting lid or hood, and a calibrated thermometer in operating condition.
- The temperature must be maintained 25ºbelow the flash point of the bituminous material.
- All melting kettles must be sized for the job.
- Asphalt and tar kettles must not be located on roofs.
09.E.07 Bituminous-material melting kettles must not be used or operated inside or within 25 ft (7.6 m) of combustible materials, including propane tanks stored or in use. The lid for the kettle should open away from the building.
09.E.08 The liquid propane container(s) used as the heat source must be kept at least 10 ft (3 m) away from the kettle and must be placed in an upright and secured position to insure it doesn't tip over.
09.E.09 Kettles must be located so that means of egress is not restricted and must be no closer than 10 ft (3 m) of egress path.
09.E.10 Enclosed areas in which hot substances are heated or applied must be ventilated.
09.E.11 Ladles, equipment, and material must be moisture-free before being used or placed in heated material.
09.E.12 Flammable liquids with a flash point below 100ºF (37.8ºC) must not be used to thin the mixture or to clean equipment.
09.E.13 An effective fire prevention plan must be included in the APP, AHA and maintained at the jobsite. All workers must be trained in the specifics of the plan.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-8. How many fire extinguishers are required, and how close must they be located to working kettles?
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