09.A.14 Burning Operations.
- Burning areas must be established in coordination with the GDA and with the agency responsible for monitoring fire potential at the location of the proposed burning area.

- Burning operations must be in compliance with Federal, State, and local regulations and guidelines.
- A sufficient force to control and patrol the burning operations must be maintained until the last embers have been extinguished.
- Bump blocks must be provided where trucks back to a fire or burning pit.
- Prescribed burning activities for natural resource management must be conducted in accordance with guidelines set forth in Section 09.K.
09.A.15 Low-density fiberboard, combustible insulation, or vapor barriers with a flame spread rating greater than 25 must not be installed in permanent buildings.
09.A.16 Temporary enclosures must be covered with flame-resistant tarpaulins or material of equivalent fire-resistant characteristics.
09.A.17 When outside help is relied upon for fire protection, a written agreement must be made, or a memorandum of record, stating the terms of the arrangement and the details for fire protection services, and must be provided to the GDA.
09.A.18 Temporary building spacing must be in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC).
09.A.19 Fire lanes providing access to all areas must be established and maintained free of obstruction.
09.A.20 Vehicles, equipment, materials, and supplies must not be placed so that access to fire hydrants and other firefighting equipment is obstructed.
09.A.21 Hazardous Locations.
- Electrical lighting must be the only means of artificial illumination in areas where flammable liquids, vapors, fumes, dust, or gases are present.
- All electrical equipment and installations in hazardous locations must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) for hazardous locations.
- Globes or lamps must not be removed or replaced nor must repairs be made on the electrical circuit until it has been de-energized.
- Miners' lights and flashlights used around explosives, and in atmospheres likely to contain explosive vapors, dusts, or gases must be approved by a private sector organization recognized by OSHA under the Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program.

09.A.22 Sufficient clearance must be maintained around lights and heating units to prevent ignition of combustible materials.
09.A.23 All combustibles must be shielded from the flames of torches used to cut or sweat pipe.
09.A.24 Precautions must be taken to protect formwork and scaffolding from exposure to, and spread of, fire.
09.A.25 Fire protection in the construction process.
- Fire cut-offs must be retained in buildings undergoing alterations or demolition until operations require their removal.
- Where a water distribution system is required for the protection of buildings or other structures, water mains and hydrants must be installed before or concurrent with the construction of facilities. Until the permanent system is in operation, an equivalent temporary system must be provided.
- Permanent (fixed) extinguishing equipment and water supply for fire protection must be installed and in operable condition as soon as possible. The scheduling of sprinkler installation must closely follow the building construction and, following completion of each story, must be placed in service as soon as possible.
- During demolition or alterations, existing automatic sprinkler systems must be retained in service as long as reasonable. Modification of sprinkler systems to permit alterations or additional demolition should be expedited so that the system may be returned to service as quickly as possible. Sprinkler control valves must be checked daily at close of work to ascertain that the protection is in service. The operation of sprinkler control valves is permitted only when approved by the GDA.
- During the construction process, the construction of fire walls and exit stairways required for completed buildings must have priority; fire doors, with automatic closing devices, must be hung on openings as soon as practical.
09.A.26 Water supply and distribution facilities for fire fighting must be provided and maintained in accordance with NFPA recommendations.
09.A.27 Recommendations of the NFPA must be complied with in situations not covered in this section. Where local building codes are established, the more stringent requirements must apply.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-2. For fire protection during the construction process, when should permanent (fixed) extinguishing equipment and water supply be installed and operable?
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