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501 EM 385-1-1 Construction Safety Hazard Awareness for Contractors Sections 7 - 13
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09.L USACE Wild Land Fire Control.

09.L.01 At all USACE facilities and areas with potential exposure to wild land fire, whether prescribed or planned, a wild land fire management plan must be developed.

Wild land fire management teams and operations should be organized.

The plan, which is further detailed in USACE Engineer Pamphlet (EP) 1130-2-540, must address prescribed fire and wild fire prevention and suppression, must include the following items, and must be updated annually:

  1. An individual prescribed fire burn plan procedure, as outlined in EP 1130-2-540, that requires individual burn plans to include an AHA and an on-site safety meeting to include discussion of predicted weather patterns, escape route(s), and safety zone(s);
  1. An analysis of wild land fire causes and special wild fire hazards and risks;
  2. Proposed measures to reduce wild fire occurrence and decrease fire damage;
  3. Procedures for public education and wild fire prevention sign posting (including procedures for keeping the public informed of the current fire danger rating);
  4. Provisions for cooperative efforts with all other neighboring wild land fire management protection agencies;
  5. The in-house wild land fire management or control team organization and personnel roster, training and equipment requirements, and notification procedures;
  6. A listing of cooperating agencies and notification procedures, (including any mutual aid agreements with adjacent fire departments and agencies);
  7. A listing of additional available resources for work force, equipment, supplies, and facilities, and contracting or procurement information;
  8. An up-to-date map(s) of the managed and/or protected area(s) that shows boundaries, roads, and other means of access, heliports, airports, water sources, special hazards, and special fire risks;
  9. A listing of weather information sources;
  10. Procedures for public notification; and
  11. A pre-attack fire suppression plan as outlined in EP 1130-2-540.

09.L.02 Wild land fire management teams and operations should be organized and conducted in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 1143.

  1. Wild land fire management team personnel must, as a minimum, receive training that will include fire line safety, basic wild land fire behavior, basic wild land fire suppression tactics, communications procedures, first aid and use, limitations and care of protective and firefighting equipment.
  2. Firefighting equipment must be maintained in working and ready condition.
  3. PPE, fire-resistant clothing, safety hard hats, safety toe (non steel-toe) leather boots, goggles, and fire resistant gloves, as required by NFPA 1143, part A. and NFPA 1977, must be provided and maintained in working and ready condition. > See also Section 5.
  4. Employees engaged in fire management activities must be examined, as part of their medical surveillance, by a physician and certified to be physically able to perform assigned fire management duties.
  5. Communication equipment must be provided to personnel as necessary for coordination, control, and emergency needs.

09.L.03 Recommendations of NFPA 1143 must be complied with in wild land fire situations not covered in this Section.

09.L.04 Wild land fire management teams must consist of 2 or more qualified individuals.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

9-12. An individual prescribed fire burn plan must include _____.