09.D.17 Gas Heaters - General.
- All piping, tubing, and hose must be leak tested using soap suds or other noncombustible detection means (tests must not be made with a flame) after assembly and proven free of leaks at normal operating pressure.
- Hose and fittings must be protected from damage and deterioration.
- All hoses and fittings must be checked to ensure that the type, capacity, and pressure ratings are as specified by the heater manufacturer. Hose must have a minimum working pressure of 250 psi (1723.6 kPa) gauge and a minimum bursting pressure of 1250 psi (8618.4 kPa) gauge.
- All hose connectors must be capable of withstanding, without leakage, a test pressure of 125 psi (861.8 kPa) gauge for natural gas, and 500 psi (3,447 kPa) gauge for LP-Gas and must be capable of withstanding a pull test of 400 lb (181.4 kg).
- Hose connectors must be securely connected to the heater by mechanical means. Neither "slip-end" connectors (connections that allow the hose end to be held only by the friction of the hose material against the metal fitting of the unit) nor ring keepers (tightened over the hose to provide an increased force holding the hose to the metal fitting) are permitted.
09.D.18 Natural gas heaters. When flexible gas supply lines are used, the length must be as short as practical and must not exceed 25 ft (7.6 m).
09.D.19 Portable LP-Gas Heaters.
See also Section 09.C.
- If LP-Gas is supplied to a heater by hose, the hose must not be less than 10 ft (3 m), or more than 25 ft (7.6 m), in length.
- Heaters must be equipped with an approved regulator in the supply line between the fuel cylinder and the heater unit. Cylinder connectors must be provided with an excess flow valve to minimize the flow of gas in the event the fuel line ruptures.
- LP-Gas heaters having inputs above 50,000 British Thermal Unit (BTU)/hour must be equipped with either a pilot, which must be lighted and proved before the main burner can be turned on, or an electronic ignition. > These provisions do not apply to portable heaters under 7,500 BTU/ hour when used with containers having a maximum water capacity of 2.5 lb (1.1 kg).
- Container valves, connectors, regulators, manifolds, piping, and tubing must not be used as structural support for LP-Gas heaters.
- Heaters, other than integral heater-container units, must be located at least 6 ft (1.8 m) from any LP-Gas container (this must not prohibit the use of heaters designed specifically for attachment to the LP-Gas container or to a supporting standard, provided they are designed and installed to prevent direct or radiant heat application from the heater into the containers). Blower and radiant type heaters must not be directed toward any LP- Gas container within 20 ft (6 m).
- If two or more heater-container units (of either the integral or non-integral type) are located in an unpartitioned area of the same floor, the container or containers of each unit must be separated from the container or containers of any other unit by at least 20 ft (6 m).
- When heaters are connected to containers for use in an unpartitioned area on the same floor, the total water capacity of containers, manifolded together for connection to a heater(s), must not be greater than 735 lb (333.3 kg), [nominal 300 lb (136 kg) LP-Gas capacity]. Such manifolds must be separated by at least 20 ft (6 m).
09.D.20 Installation of heating equipment in service or lubrication areas.
- Heating equipment installed in lubrication or service areas where there is no dispensing or transferring of flammable liquids must be installed such that the bottom of the heating unit is at least 18 in (.5 m) above the floor and is protected from damage.
- Heating equipment installed in lubrication or service areas where flammable liquids are dispensed must be of a type approved for garages and must be installed at least 8 ft (2.4 m) above the floor.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-7. How may hose connectors be securely connected to portable LP-gas heaters?
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