6-8. General Requirements.
Industrial Ergonomics
- Employees' activities involving physical stress must be evaluated by a Certified Professional (CP) to ensure a match with their capabilities.
- Employers must identify and document hazards and controls through the associated Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA), focusing on cumulative trauma hazards.
- Specific measures, such as anti-vibration tools and medical surveillance, must be implemented to minimize vibration and adhere to Threshold Limit Values (TLV).
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management
- IAQ issues must be addressed promptly by facility managers or lessors, following guidelines by recognized organizations like ACGIH and EPA.
- Protection against Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) and vaping products in work environments is mandatory, with designated smoking areas established.
- Mold assessments, overseen by competent inspectors, are required when indicated, with post-remediation air sampling and employee notifications being crucial steps.
Control of Chromium (VI) Exposure
- All activities with potential chromium (VI) exposure must undergo risk assessment and air sampling by an Industrial Hygienist (IH) as per OSHA/EPA standards.
- Employers must avoid chromium-containing materials when possible, and if used, provide proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and decontamination facilities.
- Housekeeping plans and decontamination programs are essential in areas where chromium (VI) is generated or used, ensuring minimal exposure.
Crystalline Silica
- Employers must ensure no employee is exposed to respirable crystalline silica above the specified limits, conducting regular exposure assessments.
- Control mechanisms are required if action levels of silica exposure are exceeded, with reassessment in case of any changes in the work environment.
- If the potential for silica exposure exists, a written Silica Compliance Plan must be developed and employees trained according to local and federal requirements.
6-9. Figures and Tables.
See Figures/Tables Checklists/Forms
6-10. Checklists and Forms.
Not applicable.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-11. All activities with potential chromium (VI) exposure must undergo _____.
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