Training Presentation Strategies
You now know basically what subjects you're going to present, but which presentation strategy is going to work best for you?
Let's take a look at several alternatives:
- Formal classroom training: In many cases, formal training in-house or from an external source can get learners trained quickly when needed. Classroom training is best if the class is composed of students from different departments or facilities. Here's a simple Classroom Training Model.
- On-the-job training (OJT): OJT is considered the best overall training strategy since most safety training requires that employees demonstrate (prove) adequate knowledge and skill to perform procedures and practices. Remember, employees must be trained before exposed! Conducting a simulated procedure or task in the learning environment is really the only way you can certify adequate knowledge and skills to perform hazardous tasks without exposing the employee to actual hazards.
- Mini training sessions: This method is perhaps the best method to keep employees up on the latest changes to OSHA standards and changes in company policy, procedures, and rules. Mini training sessions, tail-gate meetings, and safety meetings can be as short as five minutes or up to 30 minutes.
- Computer based training (CBT): This is growing in popularity because employees can fit short training sessions on the computer into their busy schedules at work or at home. To meet the intent of OSHA law, CBT needs to include opportunities for interaction with a qualified trainer (like OSHAcademy online training). Note: Be careful not to rely solely on CBT when training procedures and practices that are hazardous. CBT will not be adequate. Make sure opportunities for communicating via email, video-conference, or on-site interaction is incorporated into any CBT strategy. More on this subject.
Whatever the method of instruction, learning activities should be developed in such a way that the employees can clearly demonstrate that they have acquired the desired knowledge and skills.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-4 This training strategy is considered the best overall training strategy in demonstrating adequate knowledge and skill to perform procedures and practices.
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