Tips on Preparing Visual Aids
- Start with at least a rough outline of the goal and major points of the presentation before selecting the visual aid(s). For example, a particular scene or slides may trigger ideas for the presentation, providing the power of images. Do not proceed too far without first determining what you want to accomplish, what your audience wants to gain, and what the physical setting requires.
- Each element of an audio-visual product - a single slide or a page of a flip chart presentation, for example, - must be simple and contain only one message. Placing more than one message on a single image confuses the audience and diminishes the potential impact of visual media. Keep visual aids BRIEF.
- Determine the difference between what you will say and what the visual aid will show. Do not read straight from your visuals. Avoid the over-use of bullet points.
- Ask the audience to read or listen, not both; visual aids should not provide reading material while you talk. Rather, use them to illustrate or highlight your points.
- Give participants paper copies of various graphic aids used in your presentation. They will be able to write on the paper copies and have them for future reference.
- Use local photographs and examples when discussing general problems and issues. While a general problem concerning welding safety, for example, may elude someone, illustrating with a system in use at the site can bring the issue home.
- Use charts and graphs to support the presentation of numerical information.
- Develop sketches and drawings to convey various designs and plans.
- When preparing graphics, make sure they are not too crowded in detail. Do not over-use color. See that line detail, letters, and symbols are bold enough to be seen from the back of the room.
- Do not use visual aids for persuasive statements, qualifying remarks, emotional appeals, or any type of rhetorical statement.
- If you have handouts, don't let them become a distraction during the presentation. They should provide reinforcement following your address. Consider giving them out after the presentation, unless the audience will use them during the presentation or will need to review them in advance of the presentation.
- Practice presenting the full program using graphic materials so you are familiar with their use and order. If you use audio-visual materials, practice working with them and the equipment to get the timing down right.
- Seek feedback on the clarity of your visuals and do so early enough to allow yourself time to make needed adjustments.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-8 One of the worst training presentation techniques a safety trainer can use is to _____.
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