Important Training Requirements
No matter the training strategy used, it's important to make sure employees get practice before they are actually exposed to hazards in the work environment.

Some of the key requirements are stated or implied in OSHA rules. Three of the most important are:
- Demonstration: Workers should be able to demonstrate that they have both the knowledge and ability to perform a hazardous task or procedure safely before they are allowed to begin work.
- Retraining: Any time the employer believes a worker lacks adequate knowledge or ability to perform a task safely, that worker should receive retraining to improve their proficiency.
- Certification: Employees who must perform a hazardous task or procedure should be certified as "qualified" by the employer. In most instances an attendance roster, by itself, will not be considered adequate documentation for most safety training. Ultimately, the employer is responsible for certification. It's also important to realize that OSHA does not "certify" anyone qualified to do anything... they just don't do it.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-5 When the supervisor thinks a worker has inadequate knowledge or skills to perform a task safely, that worker should receive _____.
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