Training Methods and Media
Hands-on training is usually quite effective in training because it uses a simulated work environment that permits each student to practice performing tasks, making decisions, or using equipment appropriate to the job assignment before they are exposed to actual workplace hazards. To ensure employees transfer knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) from the learning activity to the job, the learning situation should simulate the actual job as closely as possible.
Determining methods and materials for learning activities can be as varied as your imagination and available resources will allow. You may want to think about using:
- charts
- instruments
- overheads
- flipcharts
- diagrams
- props
- videos
- dry erase boards
- role play
- exercises
- question/answer
- case studies
Whatever the method of instruction, learning activities should be developed in such a way that you can clearly demonstrate learners have acquired the desired skills or knowledge.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-7 To ensure employees transfer KSAs from the learning activity to the job, the learning situation should _____.
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