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833 Developing a Construction Safety Management System
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Analyzing a Construction Worksite

Each of the following program components should be analyzed on the worksite.

Use a checklist to help make sure your analysis is efficient and accurately identifies hazards. Be sure to document what you find whether it is in conformance or not.

  1. Program Administration: OSHA postings, emergency numbers, HAZCOM labels, training and meeting documents, incident reports, medical kits, etc.
  2. Housekeeping/Sanitation: Work area orderliness, passageways/walkways clear, lighting, waste containers, sanitary facilities, eating/drinking area.
  3. Fire Prevention: Fueling/Welding areas, GFCI and overcurrent protection, breaker boxes, lockout/tagout procedures, drop cords, utility lines located and marked, overhead lines, high-voltage lines.
  4. Fall Protection: Hazards identified and controlled; such as guardrails, walking-working surfaces, skylights, floor holes, window openings, fall protection systems (arrest and restraint systems), equipment use/care, and inspections.
  5. Hand and Power Tools: Training documentation, defective or damaged tools, proper tools for the job being used, power tool grounding and insulation, condition of cords, mechanical safeguards, power-actuated tools.
  6. Ladders/Stairs: Ladder inspections, training documentation, condition of ladders, job-made ladders in use, proper ladders for job, ladders secured, extend above landing, stepladders fully open, overhead electrical exposures, stair pans filled, stair railings.
  7. Scaffolds: Proper erection, supervision, inspection procedures, training documentation, competent person, connections, footing and mudsills, scaffold secured to building, protection from falling objects, scaffold access, planks properly placed and secured, debris, ice, snow, overhead electrical exposure.
  8. Excavation and Shoring: Competent person, soil analysis documentation, proper equipment (coffins, etc.), area supervision, adjacent structures shored, excavation barricaded, cave-in protection, spoils set back, ladders adequate and properly spaced, equipment away from edge, PPE use.
  9. Heavy Equipment/Motor Vehicles: Maintenance and inspection, operations manuals available, operator qualification, training documents, roads, speed limits, seat belts in use, vehicle inspections, wheels properly chocked, glass/windows, weight limits and load capacities, personnel properly riding vehicles.
  10. Welding and Cutting: Extinguishers available, firewatch posted, screens and shields adequate, cylinders secured and stored, proper PPE being used, training documentation, electrical grounding, cables.
  11. Materials Handling and Storage: Materials properly stored and stacked, dust protection, proper number of workers for job, proper ergonomics practices, training documentation.
  12. Barricades and Fencing: worksite properly fenced, condition of fencing, evidence of tampering, roadways and sidewalks protected, proper access, traffic control measures, training documentation.
  13. Cranes, Derricks and Hoists: Equipment maintenance and inspections, equipment support and proper outriggers, proper load capacities posted and observed, use of signalman as necessary, overhead electrical exposure, training documentation for operators and signalman.
  14. Roadway Construction: Local regulations, permits, ordinances observed, use of PPE, flagman use as necessary, postings and signage, warning markers, training documentation.
  15. Demolition: Preplanning and documentation, protection of public and property/structures, clear areas for chutes and trucks.
  16. Personal Protective Equipment: Training documentation, eye/face protection, hand protection, head protection mandatory, foot protection, fall protection, respiratory protection, proper ventilation, noise testing and protection, high visibility vests, outerwear.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

7-2. What should you do to help make sure your worksite analysis is efficient, the results are accurate?