New Equipment and Processes
Designate a competent person to analyze new equipment, processes, procedures and materials on the worksite for hazards and potential hazards at your companies work sites. Document the findings and develop plans to minimize or design out the hazards using the "hierarchy of control" strategies. (More on this topic in the next module)
Job Hazard/Safety Analysis
A Job Hazard/Safety Analysis (JSA) should be used to determine potential hazards and identify methods to reduce exposure to the hazards at your work sites. (See course 706 Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis for more on this topic).
Job Safety Analysis is a method of planning for safety. There are three basic parts to a JSA.
- The first component of a JSA is breaking down a job or task into the specific steps it takes to complete the job. Although this can be done in small detail, typically only the major steps are listed. This often results in five to ten steps. The steps are listed in chronological order, listing the first thing that should be done, then what comes next, and so on.
- The second component of a JSA is to list all the hazards that are involved in each step. There may be many hazards that get listed next to some steps and may not be any associated with some steps.
- The third step is to write down how each hazard will be eliminated or controlled. In other words, describe what needs to be done in order to perform that task safely.
Note: Job Hazard Analysis is often called different things. Other names for it include: job hazard analysis, job task analysis, task hazard analysis, safe work procedure, and safety task analysis.
Employee Hazard Reports
Employees play a key role in identifying, controlling, and reporting hazards that may occur or already exist in your worksite. Employee reports of potential hazards can be an effective tool to trigger a closer look at a piece of equipment, operation, or how work is being performed. Reports of potential hazards can also provide suggestions to eliminate a hazard. They can also help to determine if any trends in hazardous conditions or unsafe behaviors exist.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
7-4. A job safety analysis should be used to determine _____.
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