Observation Processes
An informal observation process is nothing more than being watchful for hazards and unsafe behaviors throughout the work shift. No special procedure is involved. All employees should be expected to look over their work areas once in a while.
One of the most effective proactive methods to collect useful data about the hazards and unsafe behaviors at the worksite is the formal observation program because it includes a written plan and procedures.
For example, safety committee members or other employees may be assigned to complete a minimum number of observations of safe/unsafe behaviors during a given period of time. This data is gathered and analyzed to produce graphs and charts reflecting the current status and trends in employee behaviors.
Posting the results of these observations tends to increase awareness and lower injury rates. But, more importantly, the data gives valuable clues about safety management system weaknesses.
Observation is important because it can be a great tool to effectively identify behaviors that account for fully 95 percent of all worksite injuries. The walkaround inspection, as a method for identifying hazards, may not be as effective as observation in identifying unsafe behaviors.
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7-5. Observation is important because it can be a great tool to effectively identify behaviors that account for fully _____ percent of all worksite injuries.
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