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510 EM 385-1-1 Chapters 1-8
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2-8. General Requirements


  • Prime contractors must submit requests for interpretation officially, identifying and quoting the specific requirement, stating the confusion source, and providing necessary context and rationale.
  • Contractors must request interpretation through the field office, which coordinates with the local SOHO. The local USACE SOHO submits requests to the HQUSACE-SO SharePoint within five business days.
  • Division SOHO reviews and responds within five business days. HQUSACE-SO considers the request and issues a decision within 15 business days from receipt.

Note: Interpretations are specific to the time and context of application and are not precedents for future applications. Unofficial requests can be made via email or telephone for general guidance.

Variances and Waivers

  • Variances and waivers to EM385-1-1 require approval from the Chief of Safety and Occupational Health, HQUSACE, and must provide an equal or greater level of protection. The process involves a hazard analysis and documentation sent to HQUSACE.
  • Requests for variances/waivers must include specific identification of the requirement, the type of relief sought, reasons for non-compliance, supporting information, and a detailed risk assessment. The burden of proof rests with the requester.
  • Requesters must coordinate actions with the local USACE SOHO and ensure all necessary information and justifications are provided within the stipulated time frame.

Requests must be complete, addressing all requirements and standards related to the request. Waivers/variances are specific to time periods and operations and cannot be used as a defense for non-compliance elsewhere.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-9. Variances and waivers to provisions of the EM385-1-1 must _____.

2-8. General Requirements. (g.–h.).

2-9. Figures and Tables.

See Figures/Tables Checklists/Forms

2-10. Checklists and Forms.

See Figures/Tables Checklists/Forms