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512 EM 385-1-1 Chapters 16-22
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19-8. General Requirements.

Fuel Systems and Fuel Transfers

  • Conduct fuel system installations and fuel transfer operations as per 33 USC Subchapter I, avoiding gauge glasses or trycocks on fuel tanks.
  • Install shutoff valves at fuel tank connections and at engine ends of fuel lines longer than 6 feet, as specified.
  • Equip gasoline engine carburetors with backfire traps or flame arrestors and provide drip pans for certain carburetor types.

Safe Practices

  • Mark obstructions and eliminate hazards like fuel accumulation and projective tripping risks; designate and secure floating plant connections.
  • Regulate activities in and around water, ensuring the use of Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) and rescue readiness.
  • Secure deck openings, apply safeguards for equipment on decks, and clearly mark no hot work zones on fuel oil tanks.

Life Rings and Ring Buoys

  • Ensure ring buoys on USCG-inspected vessels have automatic floating electric water lights, and adhere to specific light requirements on other floating plants.
  • Attach a minimum length of polypropylene line to life rings or ring buoys, store them for immediate use, and provide them on motorboats as specified.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

19-7. What is required at fuel tank connections and at engine ends of fuel lines longer than 6 feet?

19-8. General Requirements. (d.–f.).